Sport Improvement Levy

OEA Programs and Initiatives are made possible by funding from two sources; membership fees and the Sport Improvement levy of $5 which is collected on every entry fee during the season.

Originally known as the One Event at a Time levy, it was announced at the 2006 AGM and put into effect for the 2007 competition season. The original purpose was to help finance the Ontario Provincial Championships by giving the host event site a grant to be used to improve their facilities and courses, as well as backfill the Competition Improvement Program which can be accessed by all event sites. Over the next ten years, attendance at the Champions decreased steadily while the cost of putting on this special event (in both effort and expense) became onerous, to the point where no event sites were willing to take on the task. At this point the Board determined that spending such a large amount for such few competitors was not a responsible use of members’ money. The Board then voted to suspend the 2019 Championships, change the name to the Sport Improvement levy and redirect the funds to education and growing our steadily declining membership numbers by attracting riders from other disciplines. This was announced at the 2018 AGM.

Each year the Board will look at the needs of our members and where the levies can be most effectively used to benefit the whole sport.  Part of the levies will continue to be used to finance the Competition Improvement Program.